Your Gateway to Global Sourcing
IC-Advantage was established in 2000. We are a distributor and representative for a wide variety of products and manufacturers that are utilized in the Space and Aerospace market. We represent some of the premier manufacturing companies based in the United States of America and Europe that service this industry.
Ball Bearings
High Precision, High Temperature, Minimal Vibration Ball Bearings for use in the Aerospace Market
Aerospace Cables
Flexible, Flat Cable Technology for High Tempurature, Low Outgrassing and Class 1 Clean Room Applications
High Voltage Equipment
Equipment designed for TWT and many other Industrial Applications
Bearing Balls
TIC Coated, Ceramic Bearing Balls for High Precision and Low Vibration Applications
Adhesives and Sealants
Adhesives and Sealants that have High Flexibility and Bond Strength resistive to extreme Temperatures and Corrosive Chemicals
Ruggedized Containers
Standard and Customized Lightweight Aluminum Ruggedized Containers Resistant to Water, Heat and Corrosion